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NYSC - Important NYSC Guide And Tips On How To Get A Good Ppa After Camp

Without mincing words, for you to be here reading this post i surely believe you have thought a-lot about camp and have also considered "what next after camp"? Now i am going to reveal to you some simple but definite ways in which you can serve in the city without connection or whatsoever

Getting a good Place of Primary Assignment in the city of Nigeria has its own advantages and is every corp member's dream. But there can be more to it especially when you get posted to a good PPA like the ministries, government house, oil firms, and other big organizations.  Amazingly, it is such organizations that this article is focussed on. 

Below are some relevant points which can assist you in getting a good place of primary assignment:

1. Platoon Leader: Almost, if not all platoon co-ordinator is eligible to at least one slot or two to determine the posting of any Corp member of their choice to particular firms. They are always expected to forward the name of their platoon leader for a better posting and can even take suggestions from the platoon leader about where he or she would like to be posted to as a Place of primary assignment (PPA) 

-SUGGESTION; to fall into the good books of the platoon co-ordinator $, the platoon leader must be up and doing. Well, even if he doesn’t appear to, he would be forced to when he sees the many demanding tasks becoming the platoon leader entails. 

To be frank with you if you have good looks, have a good height, better stature and a vibrant spirit you have better chances of winning the nomination of the platoon leader of your platoon.

2. Orientation Broadcasting Service Crew (OBS): The OBS crew are those in charge of the camp's broadcasting media.  Joining the orientation broadcasting team of the camp can be one of the best things you can do for yourself in your service year. 

The OBS is involved in giving out vital updates and informations as well as entertainment to the camp while providing enabling sound system for social activities and spearheading different programs. They are in need of engineers, writers,  journalist, media presenters and skilled personnel

-SUGGESTION; as much as possible try to be vibrant, and up and doing when you join the team. This would give you a better edge in getting being selected to be given a better posting by officers in charge as well as also get connects.

3. Red Cross: The Red Cross team is an important part of the orientation camp experience. Due to recurring incidents of people fainting during parade and under the sun as the case may be, also prior to unforeseen accidents and lots of the minor hospitalization cases during parades, sports and other exercises, the duties of the Red Cross team is to provide immediate First Aid which will go a long way to avert possible life threatening situations. 

Make sure you are an active member of the group as this would go a long way to gain you a slot in a getting a good posting. If you know your way around making friends you can easily make friends with soldiers, the man o’ war, the civil defense, the police and other officials. 

Although that may not guarantee your getting a slot into a better posting, but you never know, these people could be close to one or two people who could help you out. It is possible that they can get impressed by your personality and might choose to do one or two kindness for you. 

-SUGGESTION; You do not want to start making this friendship at the tail end of your orientation camp when you know the posting process must have started. Rather, try to make them friends as soon as possible, and your endearing and unselfish personality to them can actually open up their heart to help if they only they have such connections. 

Persuasive oratory can win people over and could be an added edge to talk to officials into giving you a good PPA posting. Although the chances are minimal if your sweet mouth is not mixed with friendship, persuasion and an appealing or charismatic character. 

4. Religious groups:  At the NYSC orientation camps across the federation, there are three (3) recognized religious groups which include; Muslim Corpers Association of Nigeria, the Nigerian Christians Corpers Fellowship and the National Association of Catholic Corpers. Being a diligent and active member of any of these groups could also help you get posted to a good PPA as these religious bodies also send list of corps members to the state co-ordinator to demand for corps members to be posted to certain PPA of their choice.

I Hope this post was helpful? Dont forget to leave comments and ask questions if you have. 


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